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How to Prepare for a Skip Level Meeting as an employees

मनीषा म्याडम


How to Prepare for a Skip Level Meeting as an employees

Make the most of your next skip level conversation by learning what to discuss during this type of meeting.

It’s that time of year again. You get an email from your boss’ boss, who wants to have a conversation about your professional growth, your team, or to see how your first year at your new company has been. Or maybe it’s more sudden than that. Perhaps they’ve reached out for the first time ever to check in, and you’re suddenly stressed at the prospect of meeting with them one-on-one.

Don’t let a “let’s touch base” subject line send a chill down your spine. Let’s explore skip level meetings, their purpose, and how you can make the most of your next one.

What is a skip level meeting?

A skip level meeting refers to a conversation between an employee’s direct supervisor’s manager and the employee, without the direct supervisor present. The purpose is usually for a senior-level manager to gain insight into what is taking place at the organization from the perspective of an employee. The meeting can also be an opportunity for an employee to ask important questions and gain useful insights.

The skip level meeting format is a leadership tool used to help increase productivity and communication at all levels of an organization. As an employee, connecting with the individual in charge of your direct supervisor can be beneficial for you and your organization as a whole.

Write it down

Show up prepared and take notes throughout the meeting to put your best foot forward. Use a collaborative tool like Fellow to note any important talking points during your skip level meeting!

Why are skip level meetings important for employees?

1 Offer new perspectives

It’s not every day that we get to pick the brain of our manager’s manager. While it may initially seem daunting to chat with your superior in the workplace, participating in a skip level meeting can be a fantastic way to learn about what takes place at all levels of your organization. An employee may not know what happens at the executive level, whereas a manager may not realize what routines and essential tasks take place within your team to keep the trains running on time. Learning about each other’s roles can help bridge knowledge gaps in the organizational hierarchy.

2 Provide opportunities to make more of an impact at the company

Think of all the moments you’ve had an idea for your organization but haven’t had the opportunity to discuss it with a superior. This could be your chance to make a difference. You shouldn’t barge into your skip level meeting intending to resist company policies or procedures, but there’s nothing wrong with kindly providing positive or constructive feedback later on in the conversation, especially if your ideas will make work more productive or enjoyable for you and your teammates.

3 Allow you to provide insight to higher level management

Perhaps the manager you’re meeting with has no sense of your team’s day-to-day operations. During your meeting, the senior manager will likely have questions about your role, your team, and even your pain points at work. By chatting with you, they may be looking to gain a new perspective on issues at your level of the company. If you can offer these insights in a calm and memorable manner, you’ll be on track to impress your superior during your meeting and contribute to company improvements.

8 tips to prepare for a skip level meeting as an employee

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